Getting Started With Us

Congratulations! Lets get started

So you have decided to check out what options are out there for treatment of opioid addiction for yourself or someone you love. We at Columbus Suboxone Doctors believe it's not just by chance you are here this very moment, all things happen for a reason. Tired of living day to day with your only mission being doing what you need to do to stay well? Afraid of relapsing after release from incarceration? Tired of the best sleep only coming when your loved one is in custody of law enforcement?

Well, we at Columbus Suboxone Doctors understand what your going through. Make a Better Choice for your future or the future of a loved one and give us a call or send us a text and we will start you down the right path.

Please bring your ID and Insurance card with you to your first appointment

joy at recovery at sunset

The Steps to see us

Step 1: Call or Text us

Someone friendly will communicate with you and tell you broad strokes of how the program works. We will get a appointment set for you right then.

Step 2: Show up to your appointment

There is no doubt in our minds after completing step 1 that the anxiety level about coming in will be diminished. You will be welcomed into our recovery family and we will get you started on the road to recovery.

Testimonials to Suboxone/MAT therapy

Give us a call or send us a text


Someone who cares will be on the line.

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